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Database Totals: Artists: 4 | Albums: 8 | Lyrics: 16
Abdel Halim Hafez Amr Diab Farid El Atrache Nawal El Zoghbi Om Kalsoum

Abdel Halim Hafez, Collection - Her Lover

Abdel Halim Hafez, Al Magmoa - Habibaha

عبد الحليم حافظ, المجموعة - حبيبها

Part 1
You are her lover.
لست وحدك حبيبها
Lasta wahdak habibaha.
But you are not her only love!
حبيبها أنا كبلك
Habibaha ana qablak
I was her love before you!
و ربما جئت بعدك
We robama geito baadak,
And I might have came after you.
و ربما كنت مثلك
We robama kont mithlak.
Or maybe she had us both at the same time!
Part 2
فلم تزل تلقانى وتستبيح خداعى
Fa lam tazalta qani, We tasdadiho khedaei.
And yet she still meets me, and allows me to be deceived.
بلهفة في اللقاء برجفة في الوداع
Be lahfatin fel lekaei. Be raafaten fel wadaei.
With longing in our relations, by a shake when we say goodbye.
بدمعة ليس فيها كالدمع إلا البريق
Bel damatein laysa feeha, kal damei illal bariq.
With the tears that were within her, the tears that lacked a sparkle.
برعشة هي نبض نبض بغير عروق
Be reishatin, heya nabdoon, nabdoon be ghair eirooq.
With a shiver, she shook without cause.
Part 3
حبيبها و روت لى ما كان منك و منهم
Habibaha, we rawatli makana menka wa menhoom.
Yes, I was her lover, and she told me that there was no other.
فهم كثير و لكن لا شئ نعرف عنهم
Fahom kathiron, We laken la shai naarifo anhom.
Yet there were many, and yet, I knew nothing of them.
و عانقتنى و ألقت برأسها فوق كتفى
We anakatni, we alkat be raksiha fawq kitfee.
For she would embrace me and throw her head unto my shoulder.
تباعدت و تدانت كأصبعين بكفى
Tabei adad, wa tadana, kay esbaeen be kaffi.
Then she would leave and meet another. I was blind.
Part 4
و يحفر الحب قلبى
We yehforol hob qalbi,
And love digs into my heart,
بالنار بالسكين
Bel nar, bel sikein.
With fire and with knives.
و هاتف يهتك بى
Wa hatifo, yatifo be.
And they keep burrowing at him.
حذار يا مسكين
Hazari ya maskin.
Beware, my poor heart!
Part 5
و سرت وحدى شريداً محطم الخطوات
We serto wahdi sharidan, mohatama el khatawati,
And so I began to wander alone. My path crumbling before me.
تهزنى أنفاسى تخيفنى لفتاتى
Tahizoni anfasi, Tekhifoni lafatati.
My every breath shakes me. My every turn scares me.
كهارب ليس يدرى من أين أو أين يمدى
Kaharebin laysa adri, men ain aw ain yamdi.
I try to hide myself. But from where can I escape?
شك ضباب حطام بعض يمزك بعضى
Shakoon! Dababon! Hotaam! Baadi yomaziki baadi.
Doubt, fear and hopelessness keep tearing at me little, by little.
Part 6
سألت عقلى فأصغى و قال لا لن تراها
Saalto aqli fa asgha. We qalla la lan taraha.
I asked my mind, he listened and said: "We will not see her again."
و قال قلبى أراها و لن أحب سواها
We qalla qalby araha, wa lan ohibati sawaha.
And my heart said, "I shall see her, or nobody at all!"
ما أنت يا قلب قلبى آآنت لعنة حبى
Ma anta ya qalb qalbi, aanta laanata hobi.
My heart, you are no longer my heart, but a curse on my love.
آآنت نقمة ربى إلى متى أنت قلبى
Fa anta nikmato rabi ila mata anta qabli.
You are a punishment from God until I die, oh my heart!
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